Hot Tubbing for...Popular Theatre
One of my roles in CUPE is as a member facilitator (labour education instructor). The weekend before the stewards conference I was supposed to co-facilitate a course in Courtney but it got cancelled. My co-facilitator then asked if I would be available to volunteer to do some role-play theatre pieces for the upcoming shop steward conference. I said yes, not really knowing what to expect. Oh, did I mention that this workshop was on a Saturday morning and that it was scheduled to go until 5:30pm?! Harsh. Needless to say I wasn't feeling it the night before and was irritated that I had agreed to do it because all I wanted to do was sleep in. The workshop was 6 shades of awesome. One of the best learning opportunities I've ever had. I went in skeptical and left motivated, inspired and excited because I learned something new. There were about 10 of us from CUPE BC Union Education, CUPE 23 (Burnaby Civic), 15 (Vancouver Inside), 1004 (Vancouver Outside), and 391 (Vancouver, Sech...