Hot Tubbin' for...the New Economy
The most important thing I took away from the GGCLC was the importance of getting out of your sector bubble and to take your values to unconventional venues. I was on Granville Island for the Vancouver Writers Fest, and at one of the venues there was a poster for the Living the New Economy Conference . I was curious so I went home, looked at the website and checked out the program. I am not an entrepreneur but my parents own their own business, my aunt and uncle have an gelato business so I grew up around small business. As I've talked about before, CUPE BC is running a campaign called the Ten Percent Shift . One of the sessions was called "Women and Leadership in the New Economy." I was sold right away - I am very interested in the new economy, women's issues and leadership so this was a marriage made in heaven! Plus Vancouver Councillor Andrea Reimer was on the panel and I respect her a great deal. The event had about 50 people. There were a few booths - thi...