Help Save the Rainier Hotel!

This afternoon, I left my apartment with the intention of going for a walk in Kitsilano to do a little bit of Christmas shopping. As I approached the bus stop I noticed the Vancouver Police Department had blocked off the intersection at Broadway and Fir. It wasn't very clear what was going on so I walked down to get a closer look to check out the situation. The closer I got I realized that it was a protest march - and then I saw the familiar shade of fuschia poking out of the crowd - the CUPE flag! There was a float at the front along with the vibrant sounds of a dixieland band and the marchers carried signs, black coffins and banners in support of the Rainer Hotel . It was a strong image that was tasteful and and a great example of the power of respectful civil disobedience. Well organized and well planned - mad props to CUPE 1004 for organizing. Marching along Broadway - what a procession! I ran into one of the exec members of CUPE 1004 and asked wha...