Hot Tubbin' For...GGCLC: Parliament Hill, Rideau Hall and Preparing for the Presentation

So after a whirlwind tour of Eastern Ontario we head to the Ottawa Marriott, our home base for the next 4 days. Inside the hotel, it feels like it did in Halifax. Everyone is back from their study tours from around the country and the feeling is electric and exhausted. We have a couple of hours before we have to meet downstairs to head to Parliament Hill for dinner. The Peace Tower at twilight... Ah, hotel - I have a view of the tops of the Parliament buildings and the river. A far cry from the windowless shoe box in Halifax. It's really nice to relax , sleep in a real bed and stay in one place for a few consecutive days. Downstairs I meet up with O2 - wowee! What a fancy group of people! You can tell we're all happy to have new clothes meet us in Ottawa since we've been wearing the same clothes for the past 8 days. The men are in suits and the ladies are all dressed up, hair and make-up done. It's a beautiful night and we're excited to walk to Parliament ...