Reality Check and Day of Action at SIUW

In my line of work I hear a variety of complaints. Some are definitely worse than others, mostly because the management of my employer are ignorant and/or lazy when it comes to reading our contract and facilitating labour relations. Let’s face it, no one calls the union office to say “guess what Karen, my manager is awesome.” I believe our members are an intrinsic part of the operation of the University of British Columbia and protecting their rights is the reason I get up in the morning. This conference has been a great opportunity to learn more about the US labour movement and the context surrounding workers' rights. Workers in the United States are under attack. 36/50 states are “Right to Work” and it’s becoming more and more difficult for workers to organize. For those of you unfamiliar with “right to work” the simple answer is that the state can require union membership but members can opt out of paying dues yet reaping the benefits of union services (causing tension amongst...