Who Are the People in Your Library? How an iPhone, some paper signs and tenacity turned into a project!

People often talk fondly of libraries and their memories of them but rarely do we talk about the people who work there. October is Canadian Library month and I wanted people to know. I wanted people to connect library workers to the services and the libraries themselves. My social media game is pretty good - I enjoy sharing parts of my life with my friends and family and it's been no secret that I harbour an affinity for libraries and literacy so why not do something for library month. As I spoke with a number of library workers and allies over the past month, I reflected on my own connection(s) to "the library" and how it's been an important part of my life since I was little. My Origin Story (abbreviated): My ever-growing reading pile.... I've always been a reader. I learned to read at 4 years old. My earliest memories include my mom reading to me as a young child. I remember loving to turn the pages to see what happened next. I was ahead of my classmat...