Hot Tubbin' for Activism

"So..Um...What is it that you do again?"

 I spend a lot of time explaining to people what it is I do for the union, so here's a rundown of my activities. I am a proud member of the Canadian Union of Public Employees - local 2950. I am an administrative assistant in the library at the University of British Columbia - that's my day job. Do I get paid extra for my union work? Nope, but I am happy to do it and am committed to make things better for our members. At this point in my life I have the time to go to evening labour council meetings, to attend conventions, to be a shop steward, to sit on both the executive and contract committees, the University Health and Safety Committee...

So here's a little bit of a breakdown of what I do for 2950 and for CUPE:

Shop Steward
  • As a steward I've had to read the collective agreement numerous times to understand what the responsibilities of the employer and the workers are. I attend grievance meetings, usually with our business agent and take notes. As stewards we are our members' champions and advocates and a huge responsibility is that we have is to keep them in check too. 
Education Committee Chair
  • I am responsible for organizing labour education for our members. That means working with CUPE BC's union development department to offer our members courses like:
    • Steward Learning Series modules
    • Retirement Planning (not just financial, but includes transitioning into retirement)
    • Facing Management 
  • I am on many list serves from various labour organizations like the BC Federation of Labour, the Canadian Labour Congress, CUPE - and they often hold courses around the Lower Mainland. These courses are offered to our members and it's my job to make sure the information gets out there.
  • I work with our Chief Steward to make sure our stewards have regular training opportunities to enhance their skills.
  • I also work with members on getting guest speakers at our monthly general membership meetings.
Contract Committee
  • I take the official notes for 2950 at the bargaining meetings with the employer.
CUPE Metro and District Labour Council Delegate
  • The labour council is a forum in which all of the affiliated CUPE locals in the Lower Mainland get together and receive reports from the various CUPE committees, bargaining updates from each other, fundraisers, political events, forums, town halls...a lot of grassroots initiatives often stem from the labour council. I represent 2950. 
2011 CUPE BC Convention Resolutions Committee
  • I was the secretary at last year's convention - responsible for compiling all of the resolutions and making sure the amended ones were signed off by the submitting parties. I seconded all of the resolutions on convention floor  - a very complex role where I leaned over to the mic and said..."second." Heehee.  The res committee is responsible for making sure that the resolutions comply with the CUPE constitution, equality statement and are also responsible for wordsmithing and grammar checks. They are long days, especially when things are referred back to the committee for revisions.
CUPE BC Pension Committee
  • I found a passion for pension reform at last year's CLC convention (more on that later). I was appointed to the committee last fall - as one of the younger members it's been really interesting learning from my brothers and sisters from across the province who represent all types of pension plans. 
Member Facilitator
  • I am a labour instructor for CUPE. I co-facilitate courses with other member facilitators around the province.
Curiosity got me here and it's turned in a lifelong commitment to a cause that I care very much about. I see the Canadian labour movement as the voice of all working people (not just unionized ones) and if there's any way to make things better for working people, I'm in!


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