Hot Tubbin' For...Kitchen Party, GGCLC Styles!!

So, after a long and intense day of speakers it was time for the trek out to Chester to the Risley estate for a Nova Scotian kitchen party. We board the bus and I end up sitting next to the Military Liaison Officer for the New Brunswick study tour. We end up chatting about the Canadian Forces. This experience is really amazing because if not for this conference I wouldn’t have the chance to ask questions of the men and women serving in the military. I am happy to know that the Canadian government does take care of our military folks –I know that American troops, especially Army troops, are not compensated very well. I learn about military life and what it’s like for a young family – I imagine he was around the same age as me. We talked about his experience overseas and learned that we have military stationed all over the world not just in Afghanistan.

The drive itself was a little long but once we got to Chester it was interesting. We went down a dirt road (in a massive articulated bus) to where there was a huge barn like structure, then we pass a cottage, then it’s down to a parking lot. I turn to the right and OMG – a beautiful garden and massive greenhouse! We unload and are immediately greeted by bubbly. The greenhouse reminds me of the solarium at the Empress Hotel in Victoria. Inside there is a fountain with golden leaves and lots of different plants and flowers. On the other side, there is another bar where the bubbly and Pellegrino are free flowing. After more standing around and chitchatting, we head down to the shuttles to take us down to the house.

Yeah, house is an understatement – this is a mansion. It’s a beautiful brick building complete with a 6-car garage and a fountain. We walk inside and are immediately greeted by Judy Risley – the owner of the house. She shook everyone’s hand and warmly welcomed us – it felt like we were visiting friends rather than strangers that we just met. We walk through the house and it’s something out of a movie – these people have real art! Not framed posters like me and my friends, hahaha. We go out onto the veranda and OMG – a full on view of the Atlantic Ocean. Then we look down and there is a very blue pool with more wait-staff waiting with beer and wine for us. We can already smell the crisp, sea air (ah home!), hear the sounds of Cape Breton and the buzz of some very hungry conference delegates. We head downstairs to the lawn overlooking the water and take it in.

FOOD TIME! By this time we’re starving. As soon as you walk in there was seafood chowder and lobster rolls. My group mates grab a table and we dig in.  All of us have the same reaction which is along the lines of “ohholyhellthisseafoodchowderisthebestthingwe’veeverhadeverinourentirelivesandeventhoughiamfromBCwheretheseafoodisamazingthisisradandahalfholio.” It was chock full of mussels, crab, lobster, fish, scallops, shrimp…the lobster was fresh and tasty – definitely an Atlantic Canadian things because we definitely don’t do those out west. There is also an oyster bar, sushi, pulled pork sandwiches, lamb burgers, Kobe beef sliders (morsels of heaven), salads...and a dessert table with an assortment of pastries (I liked the chocolate passion fruit macarons), chocolate dipped strawberries and fruits.

John Risley thanked us all for coming – invited us all to check out the property – according to Wikipedia the property is 210 acres! We walked down to the Beach House  - a beautiful one bedroom property with a huge deck and a private dock – then decided to go exploring (beverages in hand) with my new friends. We walked down up the property and found our way onto a “charming” bridge (read, slanty) and just enjoyed the gorgeous view of the Atlantic Ocean with the sounds of Cape Breton fiddling in the background.

Afterwards we went back and hung out some more. I got the chance to talk to Maxime Boilard – a conference alumni from 2008 and former Olympian. He was the one who did the pre-conference session linking paddling to leadership. We had a really nice chat about paddling – I learned how his flatwater stroke differs from OC and dragon boat. The mechanics of something seemingly so simple just boggles my mind. It’s such a fluid motion and watching him break down the stroke made me see how the metaphor works for Leadership – without all parts of your body working the right muscles, you’ll never go anywhere. In life, you’ll never go anywhere or make any decision unless you work WITH the right people. Anyway, he was nice, I learned about paddling and got some bonus inspiration out of it.

Just when we thought the evening couldn’t get any better…there was a 15 or 20 minute fireworks show. Wowzers. It gives the Symphony of Fire something to worry about!!

This was an incredible experience  - making connections with the people I am on this journey with, and warm Nova Scotian hospitality…what more could you ask for?         


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