2016: My Year in Review

Another year has come and gone - 2016 seemed to have gone by in a flash! I met so many great people, spent time with friends and family, travelled to conferences and conventions, joined a life-changing book club, read a ton of books and had a lot of fun! 

Let's take a look at 2016. 


We had a bit of a break following the federal election in October 2015 but that all started again, when I went our and canvassed a couple of time for Melanie Mark, our now MLA for Vancouver Mount Pleasant. My most favourite memory of door-knocking came when I came upon an apartment suite whose door was adorned with a an "Awreatha Franklin" - a wreath of photos of Aretha Franklin. Hilarious. And so proud to know so many people who were involved with her campaign. I was especially inspired by CUPE 1004's work on the DTES where they set up tables for residents to register to vote for the first time by providing lawyers to ok people if they didn't have proper ID.


We were in Harrison Hot Springs for the annual BC Fed Ranking Officers meeting where senior staff and ranking officers from affiliate unions gather for a meeting to review the strat plan for the Fed. I really enjoyed the report card report back from the CLC President Hassan Yussuff as well as the workshop on inclusion and diversity presented by Alden Habacon from UBC.

On February 14th I ran into Tom Mulcair in the Waves on the DTES after the Chinatown parade which was kind of cool. I was downtown to participate in the Memorial March to remember the murdered and missing indigenous women and girls in Canada. We talk our solidarity around the neighbourhood running into allies from various organizations. 

Later that month I was introduced to Isobel McKenzie, our seniors advocate at a town hall meeting in Fairview with MLAs George Heyman, Judy Darcy and Selina Robinson. We heard from many seniors about the challenges they face in our community as well as from the workers who support them. 

It wasn't all work though - my friend Angela got married and inspired the selfie stick craze of 2016! 


Who doesn't want to go to Ottawa at the end of February and early March? It was freaking cold. We were there for the CUPE National all committees meeting, my first as a co-chair.   It was a great opportunity to reconnect with my CUPE peeps from across the country as well as making some new friends. No one was immune from the selfie stick! We went all Ellen-at-the-Oscars styles and have the whole BC delegation in one big ass selfie, so fun!

As soon as I got home from Ottawa, I was on the ferry to Victoria to meet up with the women officers of the BC Federation of Labour for our lobby on government for International Women's Day. We lobbied on the issues of childcare, $15 minimum wage and sexual assault services in BC. I got to present on childcare to MLA Andrew Weaver of the Green Party, only the second time I've ever done something like that. We also met with BC Liberals Shirley Bond and Stephanie Cadieux and NDP MLAs Judy Darcy, Maurine Karagianis, Shane Simpson and Doug Donaldson. Later that night we met up with the Victoria Labour Council and held a joint event with the VLC and the NDP Women's caucus.

The next morning, on International Women's Day, we went to the legislature for a press conference on our lobby, followed up by Question Period. It was a hoot to have Judy Darcy introduce me in the gallery. So cool and fitting given that she is the former president of CUPE. After QP, we caravanned back to Vancouver for VDLC's annual IWD dinner where we were entertained by Vanessa Richards and celebrated women in trades.

A few days later, Sarah and I were fortunate to represent CUPE BC at the Stephen Lewis  Foundation's 10th Anniversary of the Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign. We were treated to a conversation between Stephen Lewis and Ilana Lewis about the inception, success and future of the GoGos' campaign. It was so cool to be among so many grandmothers and grandothers in Vancouver where they have really forged a connection with grandmothers in Africa. They were all so excited and passionate about their solidarity with each other, you couldn't help but be moved.

Thanks to Trish - March introduced me to show tunes singalong at XY every Wednesday! 


I turned 35 in April and took myself around the city for as many freebies as I could find. I had a grand slam breakfast at Denny's (with Ian Hanomansing at the next table - close enough to eavesdrop), pancakes at IHOP, a boosterjuice and my free lip scrub from Sephora. Then I had dinner with my closest friends and we went to singalong together. 

There were political events like the one of the many rallies in support of the Vancouver School Board Trustees as well as the Grant's Law sit in at Macs to create awareness for stronger working alone legislation.

Our annual CUPE BC convention occurred in Victoria. Highlights for me were the return of Mark though this time as president of CUPE National (I enjoyed hearing Smooth by R ob Thomas), selfie on the stage with Mark and Paul, chairing the first women's caucus in a while, historical resolution adding Diversity Vice Presidents for PWD and Pink Triangle and seeing the look on the faces of those activists who worked for YEARS to get this passed, Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond's powerful speech condemning the provincial government for deplorable record for child poverty and children in care, Mohamed Fahmy's speech about freedom of the press and the election of Paul, Trevor and Ali to our exec board in their new roles. I also remember a very moving ceremony on the Day of Mourning to remembers all workers killed or injured on the job - 600 people on the steps of the legislature in Victoria, wowsers.


Julie gets married on a boat!

I go record my first Labournauts podcast episode with Carlos, Aaron and Orion where we talk about the CUPE BC Convention, challenges facing libraries, a little of my journey in the labour movement and my twitter handle. So fun!

We embark on the most successful BC Library Association Conference for CUPE BC. Record numbers of CUPE members at the conference, our session on our Health and Safety survey has almost 70 people in it - we are really starting to see our hard work in the  library sector start to pay off.

I attended BC Civil Liberties Association awards and meet Mohamed Fahmy in person thanks to Sam. We talk a family selfie with him and he finds the selfie stick funny. Heh. 


I spend most of June In Ottawa. First to attend the Canadian Library Association conference (the last one before it turns into the Canadian Federation  of Library Associations) and second to spend a week at CUPE National HQ for my first Trustees Report. Both events go well and I happened to be in Ottawa during Door Open, where many of the public services buildings are open to the public. I see everything from the Angolan Embassy, Supreme Court, Aga Khan Foundation, Parliamentary Library, Museoparc and many more. I spend 3 hours at Library and Archives Canada where I met Canadian Librarian and Archivist, Dr. Guy Berthiume  - tour the facility and take in an exhibition on Canada's contributions to comics and graphic novels. I also met up with Jarrah to partake in the Indigenous Walking Tour of downtown Ottawa.

Me, along with all my social media friends meet Seamus the library cat in all his orange fuzzy glory.

Sarah,Lisa and I attend the NDP Women's Amplify workshop on leadership skills development. We spend time with women MLAs like Sue Hammel, Kathy Corrigan,and Melanie Mark. It's also where we learn to "bend it like Frampton" where our friend and photog extraordinaire Caelie teaches us how to pose.

Went to Kelowna for a few days for Admin Planning and then to Kamloops for the NDP Forward Conference. For 2 days, New Democrats from all over the province gathered to have face time with our MLAs, to strategize and mobilize for the May 2017 provincial election. The selfie stick was in its full glory where I took a million photos with everyone there. It's also where we were introduced to social media bingo. So fun! 


I spend Canada Day in Vancouver and 2 days later I'm on the road with Trish to spend my first July 4th in America! We head to Bainbridge Island for some good ol' American rah rah complete with booing the Trump float. A parade, a BBQ, fireworks - the whole 9 yards, it was awesome! 

Our CUPE 2950 BBQ is a huge success - the biggest turnout ever with almost 550 people attending along with our new and energetic communications committee it's really great to see new people coming forward to get involved in the local. :) 

Lindsay is back for a visit - my road trip buddy!! We plan a trip down to Seattle for a few days and we go EVERYWHERE. We nerd out at the Seattle Public Library, the Chihuly Gardens, Space Needle, EMP, Waterfront, the labour temple, Pike Place Market...we just picked up where we left off and had a blast!

Had a day of door-knocking for Anne Kang in Burnaby Deer-Lake and then hung out with my best friend Calvin for his 4th birthday.  
Back to Harrison for CUPE BC Think Tank and then the Pride Parade in Vancouver the next day. 


Sussanne, Ali and I went to Disneyland for a day before we had to be at UCLA for the Summer Institute for Union Women, an event I have written enough about on this blog. After LA I was on vacation for a few days before going to Prince George to visit my friends Erica and Joey and their rugrats. 

Sussanne, Natasha and I record the first all-women Labournauts podcast posted recapping and discussing the SIUW.


A trip to the PNE to see Pat Benatar was a great way to kick off the new school term.  Labour Day at Swanguard was fun with 54-40 headlining bringing me back to grade nine.

Christine and Marcial FINALLY get married. It's a big reunion of the goof troop with Brendan and Alison and Gena were  all in town and we finally get to celebrate their marriage!

Back to Ottawa two times in a week. Good times.

WORD Vancouver is one of my favourite events in the city - a day to celebrate literacy and writing. CUPE 391 debuts Rosie the Reader and we see local writers Charlie Demers, Carmen Aguirre and Sam Wiebe (who I went to Semi with). 


Michael, Sarah and I go to the Sisters in Spirit vigil on the DTES. We hear from family members of MMIW and then are introduced to Butterflies in Spirit and Enter Tribal. 

A bunch of us went to Winnipeg to attend the CUPE National Sector Council Conference as discussed in the post before.


The CUPE BC Education Conference was held at the beginning of November to discuss the future of public education from K-12 to Post-Secondary. My favourite moment was listening to Rob Fleming for the first time just rake the BC Liberals over the coals in a direct yet funny way - his comedic timing makes him a very engaging speaker. The of the conference was meh - to be honest I was probably a little conferenced out.

At the end of the month I gathered women leaders in CUPE from the lower mainland to attend the event that introduced the new women candidates for the upcoming election - it was great to meet our friends Lisa and Bard as future MLAs  - so proud of them and the journey they will be taking to get elected. They are awesome and I can't wait to work on both of their campaigns! 

The BC Fed Convention happened at the end of the month. Highlights for me included chairing the convention for the first time, working to organize on the floor for the Human Rights Committee report, Dr. Cindy Blackstock's impassioned advocacy for First Nations children in Canada,  and hanging with my union peeps at all sorts of events. 


I attend the inaugural BC Fed event for the International Day for Persons with Disabilities where we area treated to a presentation from Kara Stanley and the Precious Littles on their journey coming back from a devastating workplace injury and the transformative power of music. A few days later we're in Surrey in the snow for the December 6th vigil for the National Day of Action on the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 

Fast forward a couple of weeks and it's Ugly Sweater party at the Morrissey and Christmas themed singalong. 

One of my most favourite things I've done this year is join an Intersectional Feminist book-club. Some of us went on a field trip on December 17th, the International Day for Sex Workers Rights. We went for dim sum and conversation, and then to the PACE Society office for an afternoon of speakers on the subject. 

The goof troop reunites to walk around Enchant Vancouver - a Christmas Lights maze, we wander and find all 9 reindeers and Santa. 

 2016 is coming to a close and reflecting on the highlights of my year I am very grateful to have a job I love, friends and family who are the best and the fortune of living in the best city in the world. 

That is all.


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